
the rich get get rich...the poor get old

isabelle mcnally is super cute and amazing...in my mind she is cory kennedy it cory wasn't a conceded bitch


you really know how to dance

i like pictures of people smoking
i like going on vacation
i like pictures of girls getting ready to go out
i like warm weather
i like double exposure pictures
i like people reading my blog


all that i wanted was the freedom of a new life

so i haven't posted in a couple days, not cause i was out doing mega awesome shit, but because i have been setting up my display for this mega art competition i am in...so yeah my life right now is matting photos and hammering nails and stressing the fuck out. not that any of you care so on to these pictures, pretty much i like them and think they are swell
also i was thinking about doing one of those get to know me questionnaire things so if anyone has any questions that they want to ask just leave a comment


i'm dressed in white noise

what i am listening to right now (i.e. what you should be listening to)
-the bravery
-manchester orchestra
-lykke li
-friendsly fires
-born ruffians
-a fine frenzy


if you never get hurt you always have fun

i want to be a wildfox girl i think they are badass!